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There are a few certificates
I attained for various trainings.

In My Spare Time ...

I enjoy playing basketball (power forward) and have seen several NBA games live.

Most of my vacations include a dive trip. I am a certified Advanced Open Water Diver (PADI) and did more than 50 dives all over the world.

When I was younger I played lots of chess. Nowadays it's only a few recreational games every once in a while.

Well, and I just like building websites ... see here.
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Stephan Brumme

Stephan Brumme, Software Engineer

download my one page
 curriculum vitae
or my detailed

Working Experience

 Tradegate AG, Berlin 2012 - now
Tradegate is Germany's second largest stock exchange. I design and write code for critical backend components in C++ and SQL as well as some web development in PHP (incl. HTML/Javascript).
Most programs run on a high-performance Linux cluster.
 BMW AG, Munich 2011
I implemented several parts of the Human-Machine-Interface of BMW cars - including their brands Mini and Bentley - especially the communication sub-system (connection to smartphones and internet access).
Pretty much all code was written in portable C++ because the car computer is an embedded system whose hardware changed quite significantly over the years.
 Brainlab AG, Feldkirchen/Munich 2006-2010
At Brainlab, I was part of the  ExacTrac® software team. We designed and implemented a patient positioning system for radiotherapy and radiosurgery (cancer treatment). As of 2010, we were working on its 6th generation.

One of my main responsibilities was to adapt our software in close cooperation with  Varian to their Trilogy™ and  TrueBeam™ linear accelerator series creating the joint  Novalis product. These machines are installed at a triple-digit number of hospitals worldwide and generate a continuously growing revenue stream of several hundred million US-$ annually.

My everyday work required an excellent knowledge of UML, Design Patterns, XML, Test Strategies and much more. Almost all programming was done in C++. Some core components were rewritten to use the massive computing power of Nvidia®'s latest GPUs.

Dr. Kajetan Berlinger and me submitted a patent application "Tracking Representations of Indicator Body Parts" which was published as
 WO/2011/107145 by  WIPO.

I spent about four weeks a year visiting customers and partners in Europe and USA for R&D discussions, installations and upgrades.

Studied at the University of Potsdam, Germany,
 Hasso-Plattner-Institute for Software Engineering

Studying Master of Science in Software Engineering  2003 - 2005
Postgraduate exchange student at the
 University of Technology, Sydney
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering at the  Hasso-Plattner-Institute,
grade 1.4 ("very good")
 1999 - 2003
Vice President of the faculty's students association ( Fachschaftsrat) 2002 - 2004


Bachelor project in cooperation with
 T-Mobile Germany
 2002 - 2003
Student assistant at the
  -  software engineering
  -  computer graphics,
    escpecially  VRS and  LandXplorer (now part of Autodesk®)

 2000 - 2001
Wireless communication solutions
at  Derdack GmbH
 summer 2000

Military Service

 German armed forces, Geltow/ Potsdam  1998 - 1999


'A' level /  Abitur, final grade 1.1 (top 5%)  1998
 Friedrich-Gymnasium, Luckenwalde 1991 - 1998
Primary school "Hermann Matern", Luckenwalde 1985 - 1991
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