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The Olympic Games are over. Not really.
In Sydney (district of South Dakota, USA) some of the best athletes ever met to take part in the silliest competition of mankind: the  IT-Olympics.
They are the true champions.
No drugs.
No frauds.
No need to argue about it.
Hint For English Visitors
I was born in Germany, still live in Germany and intend to spend some of the next years in Germany. Obviously I do visit a lot of German web sites.
To ease recognizing them I mark them with a little icon ().
navigator: home links

The Useful Classics
 Google Fast and smart: That's how a search engine should be like
 c't Germany's leading computer magazine
 CodeProject Anything you need to know about C++ and Windows ... focused on MFC and ATL/COM

They Survived The Internet, Too
 Sebastian Schenk Ranked first because of corruption and threats
 Sebastian Freiberg Currently, his homepage is one of my top referers ...
 Matthias Ziehe The guy who pixeled the games
 Matthias Rössiger Hey, that's Out-Look !
 Simon Staiger Maybe there will come the day when I understand his web site ...

Let's Code The World
 MSDN Microsoft's coders corner, incl. the excellent  MSDN magazine
 CodeGuru Mother of CodeProject but often slow
 GameDev Games programming by non-professionals
 FlipCode Games programming by non-professionals, part II
 CFXweb Demo coder's web site
 Doxygen Cool source code documentation tool

Where to hang around
 TelePolis There is something else out there except computers ...
 Wired Comparable to TelePolis, just for all the
non-German people out there Another German online computer magazine
 IT-Olympics True competitions for true men !
 Amazon No flat screen will ever replace books
 Yahoo Games Sometimes you need to play games
 Saufen24 Just in case you can't remind last night's party

The Internet Re-Wired
 Yahoo Best catalogized search engine, they use Google as their back-end
 ACM's Digital Library Huge archive of computer science papers
 BabelFish Well-known translator (read Douglas Adams !) very helpful when creating this site
 Tom's Hardware All news about hardware
 TecChannel Online computer magazine Germany's most reliable download server World's biggest demo archive
 PureTec My web hoster

Working 24/7
ActiveX/COM devoted site
 HPI Yes, I am a student of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, Germany
 VRS Cool 3D library, written entirely in C++
I am one of the developers
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