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Internet Search
I've built in support for Google's internet search because my little dirty engine is far from being perfect.
Better Keywords
If you get too many hits you should type in more specific keywords.
Under Development
There are a few known errors
when searching for some very special characters like the German "Umlaute".
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How To Use The Search Engine
- case-insensitive, e.g. "HI" = "hi"
- the PDFs will only be scanned by Google

powered by 's PHP Search v0.4.1 (Nov 13, 2001)
(uses Apache and PHP 8.2.20 for Linux)
© 2001 by  Stephan Brumme
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Copyright © 1999 -2024 Stephan Brumme
all brand names and product names included in this site are trademarks, registered trademarks
or trade names of their respective holders. refer legal issues / impressum for further details or just contact me.
last update: Tuesday, November 13th, 2001, 8:23pm. 20.1 kbytes generated in 0.002 seconds  .
This web site flies with a homegrown content management system. No animals were harmed while writing it.